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Do you really need to experience this every day?

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Modern car dashboard lit up

Pain and Life

Though pain is an inevitable part of life, the way we experience it today is not what it was meant to be.

Pain is a warning system, similar to the red lights on your cars dash board. Every time a pain killer is taken, it’s like putting a sticker over a red light.

How long will it take until your dashboard is filled with stickers?


And how long do you think your car will continue to run for?

Quantum Pain Relief

QPR is a short but effective process. It utilizes energy and emotions to get at what’s behind the pain. Through this process, pain is reduced up to 80% in a single session.


How much less pain could you be experiencing right now?

A man spins a smiling woman in impromptu dance move as they walk on a trail in the forest

I wanted to share with you that this morning I realized I haven't taken any painkillers for about 4 days. I was stunned!  I've lived on codeine for months.
My posture has improved but, more importantly, I have a sense of 'my life is stacking up correctly'. I'm quieter in a less reactive way and don't stress about what I need to do - I am calmer in allowing it to unfold. 
I know deep down this is the power of our healing session continuing to vibrate through me.
Keep doing what you're doing - it's your gift.
Big hug in appreciation


Find a Practitioner

All practitioners listed on this website have received a certificate of competency, not completion. They have submitted at least ten session recordings which have been reviewed in depth. The practitioner in training receives detailed feedback on each recording. Certification is only achieved after competency in the QPR process is fully demonstrated.

Two people's hands in a fist bump

Apply for a free session

Student Practitioners are now offering FREE sessions as part of their certification process.

Would you consider assisting a student practitioner as a volunteer?

A waterfall, coming down rocks into a pool of water

Learn QPR

Even though QPR is a short process, there’s a lot that goes on behind the scenes. Far from a step 1, step 2, step 3 series of classes, the goal of the QPR course is competent practitioners. As such, students learn all of the puzzle pieces which make this happen. Once learned, these skills can be utilized both in ones personal and professional lives.

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The information and services provided through this website are purely educational in nature. The people associated with this website are not medical professionals and cannot diagnose and treat medical conditions. For all health and medical issues please consult a medical professional.

© 2024 Quantum Pain Relief

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