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Lisa Berman

QPR Certification: November 2023

Languages Speaks: English, French
Does Sessions In: English

Location: Milwaukee, WI, USA

Phone: 773-343-0509

WhatsApp: 7733430509


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As I worked in different careers over the years, I always felt that I had a greater purpose in the world than what I was doing at the time. I wasn’t reaching my full potential. I tried different business endeavors, hoping that I'd find the “one” that would make me happy, content and fulfilled.
Although I don't regret having worked strictly in the business world (it comes in handy when I work with business people), those paths did not lead to my happiness, contentment or fulfillment.
What I realized is that I was following the path that was ingrained in me when I was younger, not necessarily the path that was inherently mine.

Once I owned who I was, an Intuitive Energy Healer, my path became clear; I was able to flourish, and I am able to create my own happiness. I have many modalities, and continue to learn more, so that I can offer unique, individualized programs for my clients that fit their needs.

One of these modalities is Quantum Pain Relief (QPR) I experienced a session that got rid of shoulder pain I’d had for years, and I decided I had to learn it myself so I could use it with my clients. It’s one of the quickest ways to eliminate pain in the body.

​I’m blessed with a wonderful husband who supports me, beautiful children (inside and out), many grandchildren, a Zen dog, frogs and a snail.

Other Certifications:

  • Reiki

  • Distance Healing

  • Spring Forest Qigong Practice Group Leader


Other Trainings & Modalities:

  • Access Consciousness Bars and Body Processes

The quantum pain relief technique is very unique and effective. Lisa is very talented in all she offers! But this takes her healing to a whole new level! Thank you!!!

Sara Walsh, LMT, CST

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